Krispie Bite Makeover

June 8th, 2009
New window box packaging

New window box packaging

These sweet treats start with a layer of soft homemade caramel, a fresh batch of rice krispies cereal and marshmallow mix are layed on top, and then covered with another layer of caramel.   After being cooled and cut into bite size pieces they are hand dipped into intensely flavored milk chocolate, and topped off  with a drizzle of dark chocolate.

Krispie Bites are now sold in these window boxes, convenient for storage and resealable to ensure freshness. Adequately displaying the product helps to entice the consumer and preserve the beauty of the pieces. Great for a snack and even better as a gift, everybody loves Krispie Bites!

One Response to “Krispie Bite Makeover”

  1. heidi says:

    best. treat. ever.
    love these KB’s.
    (and i am enjoying your writing… keep it up.)

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