Samuel Smith Taddy Porter and Chocolate

September 17th, 2010

Confession- I have a great relationship with beer. I love it and it treats me well. I fight the urge to enjoy one each night with my dinner or after. Almost as much as with chocolate, I’m obsessed. It’s been way to long since my last beer review and pairing, mostly due to this bad boy- Samuel Smith. I went through at least a six pack of this famous porter trying to figure out which chocolate goes best with it and I still can’t decide. Here I have it pictured with my top three, for obvious reasons- Espresso, Burnt Caramel, and Malt.

Let’s start with the beer though. Wondering what the difference between a porter and stout was I set out to do some research. Easily enough I discovered there really isn’t much difference, even if it’s up for much debate among beer geeks whilst knocking down pints. I did learn some fun facts about The Samuel Smith Brewery which has been a family brewery since 1847 and one of the few independents that operates over 300 pubs that only house beer produced at their brewery. Also, how they still deliver re-usable bottles in beer crates and make local beer delivery’s via shire horses and buggies.

Besides that, let’s talk about their Taddy Porter. A full bodied beer, dark in color, packed with flavor yet with superb drink-ability. Recommended tasting temperature is 55 degrees, which is easily shrugged off but not be ignored. Key malt, chocolate and coffee flavors don’t reach there full potential until this brew warms. (This took about 20 min out of my fridge, which is pretty cold.)

Now for the chocolates! Let’s count down, shall we?

#3- Malt Truffle. This milk chocolate ganache is infused with malted barley, much like during the the beer process. This makes it an obvious pairing choice for many styles  of beer. The smooth and creamy milk chocolate rounds out the porters intense roasted flavor. While small bits of sweet malt powder combined into the ganache balance the slight bitterness of the beer.

#2- Burnt Caramel Truffle. Again, a great match with the milk chocolate due to a flood of creamy smoothness that fills the mouth. This ganache base is of a strong burnt caramel emulsified with chocolate to marry into subtle sweetness, helping to bring out beers own roasted and burnt notes. As always caramel and coffee are a great pair! This truffle is quickly becoming a crowd favorite and goes well with many beers.

#1- Espresso Truffle. This dark chocolate piece infused with fine Kona coffee, unites with the beers own coffee notes. As quickly these flavors meet they are fought off by the lush fruitiness of this Venezuelan dark chocolate. These same red fruit undertones, drawing me to this chocolate blend in the first place, once delicate, are intensified by the robust beer flavor. Definitely making this piece #1!


One Response to “Samuel Smith Taddy Porter and Chocolate”

  1. Brian says:

    Time for more beer pairings! I love these reviews.

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