Raspberry & Ommegang

May 4th, 2009
Ommegang Abbey Ale is inspired by the century old brewing traditions of Belgian Trappist Monks. Being the first brew and signature beer of
Brewery Ommegang, Cooperstown New York. Ommegang, named after Belgium’s oldest medieval fest means celebration of culture.
This burgundian brew is a  Abbey Dubbel referring to it’s double fermentation process that yields a low bitterness and reveals its rich malt flavor. Aromas include dried fruit and spices. Smells like; cinnamon, clove, plum and figs. Delight your taste buds with sweet flavors and red fruits. Tastes like;  honey, toffee or caramel,  and licorice.

Pairs well with our delightfully rose shaped Raspberry truffle. Don’t be surprised if you discover a raspberry seed within this dark chocolate ganache. Made with organic raspberry preserves and little added sugar, this truffle is best when it’s made fresh. Its become a big favorite of mine and even helped me to fall in love with dark chocolate!

Always remember proper paring procedure entails first tasting the beer on its own.  Beer Tasting Specs

Then tasting the chocolate on its own. Chocolate Tasting

And Finally tasting the chocolate again and letting it melt on your tongue slowly but not fully, next take a sip of the beer and swirl them together around in your mouth. Remember to breathe while doing this to enhance the flavors.


2 Responses to “Raspberry & Ommegang”

  1. Brian says:

    I wonder what kind of chocolate would pair well with Ommegang’s Hennepin..?

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