Unique LA Overview

April 28th, 2010

So I made it through the infamous Unique LA spring show! Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible and for all who came out in support of us and all of the other local vendors.  We sampled almost 15 pounds of product and had a drawing for $50 worth of free chocolate! I had a great time seeing the shoppers enjoy themselves and even had some time to shop myself!

I didn’t get many photos though,  I let my hubby play with my camera for the day in hopes for a few to share but he like to take photos on the move so unfortunately there’s not many to choose from that are in focus!

My favorite booth was Steppie, of course because she designs everything panda and for those of you who don’t know I LOVE pandas. SO I came home with a shirt and a few buttons from there. I also picked and exquisite laser cut necklace from Molly M Designs and was gifted (from my BFF) an amazing handbag from Kim White Handbags. In my opinion Molly and Kim’s stuff were the best finds of the whole show, that’s why I got them! I wish I would have gotten a nice pic of their booths but you will have to go to their sites and see for yourself.

One Response to “Unique LA Overview”

  1. Wesla Weller says:

    My partner and I just shared the last truffle from the assortment we bought from you at Unique LA. Delicious! We were intrigued by the peanut butter one (which is the one we just had), as it is so different from what we were expecting a peanut butter truffle to be. I hope it was a great show for you.

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